Cancer Network

The Cancer Network supports the Health Networks Directorate’s vision to optimise the health and wellbeing of Western Australians through engagement, partnership and evidence translation to enable system-wide improvements.

As guided by the overarching principles of the Health Networks Directorate, the Cancer Network aims to:

  • Bring together clinical excellence and patient experience to influence system-wide reform.
  • Build stronger partnerships across the department, Health Service Providers, primary care and the broader community.
  • Grow a culture of value-driven engagement to harness contemporary health-related expertise.

All work undertaken by the Cancer Network aligns with Department of Health key strategic policies, including the Sustainable Health Review and Independent Governance Review of the Health Services Act 2016.

The Cancer Network works closely with Cancer Network WA (external site) at North Metropolitan Health Service and the Health Networks End-of-Life Care team.

WA Cancer Plan 2020-2025

The WA Cancer Plan 2020-2025 was launched by the Minister for Health, Hon. Roger Cook in February 2020. The plan provides direction for WA to achieve a well-coordinated, consumer focused cancer control system and to improve cancer outcomes for Western Australians. 

The goals of the WA Cancer Plan are to:

  1. reduce the impact of cancer
  2. ensure consumers have the best experience of cancer control
  3. drive cancer control that is based on data and research.

Visit the WA Cancer Plan 2020-2025 for more information about the plan and implementation.

Australian Cancer Plan

In November 2023, Cancer Australia launched the 10-year Australian Cancer Plan (ACP). The ACP aims to improve prevention, screening, treatment, and management of all cancers for all people in Australia regardless of their background or where they live.

You can visit the ACP website for more information.

WA Cancer Fellowships

The Cancer Network has administered the WA Cancer Fellowship program since 2014 to support cancer workforce development. The program allows medical practitioners to expand their experience and skills that will ultimately lead to improved health outcomes for cancer patients in WA. You can visit WA Cancer Fellowships for more information about the program.

You can visit HealthyWA (external site) for patient information or resources about cancer.

More information

Cancer Network
Address: 189 Royal Street 
East Perth WA 6004

Last reviewed: 25-06-2024
Produced by

Health Networks