Diabetes Health Network

The Diabetes Health Network supports improvement of health outcomes for people with diabetes in Western Australia. This is achieved through enabling collaboration between consumers and carers, health professionals, hospitals, health services, primary and community care and the WA Department of Health. Through supporting effective collaboration and facilitating health policy, the Diabetes Health Network contributes to greater coordination and integration of care across the State.

Network lead and membership

The Network is led by Dr Emma Hamilton supported by working groups, made up of representatives from Health Service Providers, health professionals, non-government organisations, general practitioners, and people with lived experience.

Subscribe to Health Networks (external site) and receive the latest information about the Diabetes Health Network and updates from our other networks.

Diabetes Health Network resources

We work with our diverse WA communities to identify healthcare needs and priorities, and support the provision of safe, high-quality and cohesive healthcare across WA through policy, guidelines and other key initiatives.

Implementation of the following resources occurs in partnership with Health Service Providers and partner organisations and agencies involved in health care across primary, community and tertiary settings.

National diabetes resources

The following national resources are valuable in providing contemporary guidance for the management of diabetes with and for Western Australians:

Diabetes-related foot disease resources

The Diabetes Health Network's High-Risk Foot Working Group recommends the following supporting resources for the prevention and management of diabetes-related foot disease:

For consumer information on diabetes visit HealthyWA.

For details on diabetes services search the National Health Services Directory by using the 'Find a health service' feature on the right-hand side of the HealthyWA homepage.


Health Networks
Address: 189 Royal Street East Perth
Email: HealthPolicy@health.wa.gov.au

Last reviewed: 07-12-2023
Produced by

Health Networks